- Etive Currie
- Consultant | Industry professional | Practitioner | Public Speaker | Creative | Other
I have a varied and privileged role within GCC (Glasgow City Council), I am the co-designer of the Scottish Place Standard Tool, and as such, I represent the Council at national, international, and global levels to talk about the place standard tool as well as run training sessions on the tool. I am a WHO (World Health Organisation) Place adviser and contribute to global research, development, and delivery on everything placemaking.
I am now lead on the Living Well Locally and new Play Sufficiency Assessment process in Glasgow and contribute nationally on all things play. This is building on the national place-based approach and creating a collaborative and co-design approach with children and young people about where they go, what they do, and what needs to change. - https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/
- Glasgow
- academic/expert media/journalist screen and film professional/ company/charity
- 07766006614
- Etive.Currie@glasgow.gov.uk
- Academic/Expert | Media/Journalist | Screen And Film Professional/ Company/Charity