- MarÃa A. Vélez-Serna
- Academic
MarÃa Vélez-Serna teaches film and media at the University of Stirling. She studied at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the University of Glasgow. She was part of the Early Cinema in Scotland research project, and later wrote about non-theatrical film exhibition, community cinemas, and film festivals. She is the author of Ephemeral Cinema Spaces (Amsterdam University Press, 2020), and has also written on early film distribution and showmanship, and on Colombian films and audiences. Her current work focuses on the uses of audiovisual media in facilitating and contesting extractivism, through the histories of coal mining in Scotland and Colombia. She is also interested in industrial film and the reuse of archive footage.
- https://www.stir.ac.uk/people/256538
- http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5724-9454
- Stirling
- academic/expert media/journalist screen and film professional/ company/charity
- maria_velezserna@yahoo.com
- Academic/Expert | Media/Journalist | Screen And Film Professional/ Company/Charity