- Davide Dominoni
- Academic
I am an ecologist generally interested in the effects of human activity on biodiversity. My research has focused on how animals cope with living in urban environments., and particularly with sensory pollutants such as artificial lights and noise. More recently I have been working in a large transdisciplinary project aimed at transitioning Glasgow towards climate resilience, where I have enjoyed collaborating with social scientists, geographers, human health researchers, local communities and governments.
- https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/bohvm/staff/davidedominoni/
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2063-9955
- Glasgow
- academic/expert media/journalist screen and film professional/ company/charity
- davide.dominoni@glasgow.ac.uk
- Academic/Expert | Media/Journalist | Screen And Film Professional/ Company/Charity